The Ultimate Work From Home Ergonomics Checklist

We just redesigned our website to make it easier to find educational resources and information about ergonomic office products. You might be moving about the house quite frequently to find a space to work, and if you don’t have a laptop, lugging your PC computer around is going to be a pain. This simple CPU trolley makes it easy to move your computer to the nearest outlet or to tuck it away out of sight.

If you’re feeling pain, stop and examine how you’re positioned and adjust it. The last thing you want is to not be able to sit or stand while you work. To create the perfect work throne, you may need to get creative. For example, if you need a higher chair so you can reach the keyboard, your feet may not rest on the floor. So, try out some shoes (flat heels only!) to see if some combination of chair height and shoes gives you the proper support for your feet. If shoes are out, try a footrest, step stool, or even a pile of books to achieve the right sitting posture.

DON’T let your feet dangle

Just like sitting at a desk, you need a standing desk (or other high surface), that lets you get the right distance away from your keyboard and screen. Some counters, like your kitchen counter, have a toe kick, the part under the cabinet work from home ergonomics that lets you stick your toes under while you work. When you work at a standing desk, the same rules about keyboard and mouse placement apply, so make sure you aren’t working at a standing desk that’s too tall or short for you.

Ergonomics – Solutions to Control Hazards – OSHA

Ergonomics – Solutions to Control Hazards.

Posted: Sat, 05 Sep 2020 13:29:12 GMT [source]

Dr. John V. Morasso, a sports medicine physician at Detroit Medical Center, offers tips and best practices on how to limit or prevent sports injuries. To learn more or to make an appointment with a DMC physical therapist, click or tap here. Lab employees may be exposed to ergonomic risk factors like workbench height and research length.

Work-from-Home Ergonomics 101: Setting Up Your New Remote Office

Make sure that when you’re done with the workday, you’re able to put your equipment away. Pack away your laptop and put your notes in a drawer, out of sight. If the accessories of work are in your field of vision or your immediate “relaxation” space, the line between work and home becomes blurred and a stressor. The COVID-19 scare has forced workers out of their comfort zones.

This presentation helps you review your organization’s work-from-home programs, to ensure proper ergonomics, employee health and sustainability are in place. Attendees can uncover and address any work-from-home program gaps and be able to present the business case for incorporating ergonomic improvements into your operations. Place your feet on a few books or boxes under your desk, so that your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor and your hips are slightly higher than your knees. By being creative and using items around the house for exercise, you can be sure to keep your body moving and your mind sharp. Exercise may also help prevent repetitive strain injuries that may occur while spending countless hours at your home office work station.

DO customize a space to fit you

The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level. If you wear bifocals, lower the monitor an additional 1 to 2 inches (about 2 to 5 centimeters) for more comfortable viewing. Put your computer keyboard in front of you so your wrists and forearms are in line and your shoulders are relaxed. If you use a mouse or another type of pointer connected to a computer, place it within easy reach, on the same surface as your keyboard.

  • Under the desk, make sure there’s enough room for your legs and feet.
  • When you pull out of the office parking lot, you can take a deep breath and know you’re free for the rest of the day.
  • Ed holds a Master of Science Degree in Human Factors and Ergonomics, and is a Certified Professional Ergonomist.
  • Our number one priority is to ensure the well-being of people by minimizing injuries and saving lives in cases of emergencies.
  • Laptops are preferred by many people when working remotely because they are portable, compact and versatile.
  • But, when you’re already at home, distinguishing where work ends and the rest of your life begins can be difficult.

In this PPT, Tanisha Sharma has addressed the issue of Ergonomics and Work From Home. Why it is important for us to look at Ergonomics today more than ever. Since you’re not in an office, there’s no more walking to the printer or over to talk to a colleague, or popping down the street for lunch. Posture is key, adds Kirsty Angerer, an ergonomics consultant based in Leicester, England, who says something called “neutral posture” should be our goal. So as we wash our hands and stay isolated to repel the coronavirus, how can we make sure we’re not subjecting our bodies to a different hazard caused by bad work-from-home habits? Here are the top ergonomic tips for working from home, whether it’s during a pandemic or not.
